Invest in the USA,
your way
US equity ETFs
Customise your asset allocation with Amundi ETF’s comprehensive and complementary range of US equity building blocks.
Why the US?
The US equity market could be considered foundational to a global equities allocation.
Technology companies have driven the recent surge1 in the US stock market2.
The US equity market is the world’s largest by market capitalisation3.
Sector leadership
The top six US sectors have a larger weight in MSCI ACWI than any country4.
ETF building blocks.
Amundi ETF offers a dynamic product range that reflects the diversity of the US equity market, which could help you tailor your portfolio based on your convictions.
Build the basis of a portfolio
Broad allocation covering the US equity universe’s breadth and depth.
Take a step towards decarbonisation
Broad ETF aligned with the EU’s Climate Transition Benchmarks.
Increase exposure to ESG leaders
A potential means to enhance your ESG allocation.
Calibrate your global equities portfolio with a potential diversifier5 when considering your US equities allocation.
Go global by personalising your US/ex-US allocation
Depending on your convictions, you could lower the weighting of mega caps while boosting exposure to Europe.
Build your US equity portfolio with Amundi ETF
Engage with our experts.
Information on Amundi’s responsible investing can be found on and The investment decision must take into account all the characteristics and objectives of the Fund, as described in the relevant Prospectus.
1. Source: Amundi - 28 October 2024
2. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
3. Source: World Federation of Exchanges. The New York Stock Exchange and NASDAQ are the world’s largest exchanges by market capitalisation. Data as at 31/12/2023
4. Source: MSCI. Data as of 30/09/2024. Weights represent the share of free-float market cap in the MSCI All Country World Index. The six sectors are USA Information Technology; USA Financials; USA Health Care; USA Consumer Discretionary; USA Industrials; and USA Communication Services. Each of these has a larger weight in MSCI World than the largest weighted country, which is Japan.
5. Diversification does not guarantee a profit or protect against a loss.